Addict at the table pulls his hand to the syringe with the dose. Copy paste

What is the difference between an addict and a normal person? An addict cannot love another human being, he/she is completely dependent on the addiction.

Love is something that can be given by anyone to anyone. But the real love is unconditional. It is not about materialistic things, it is about your soul.

The most important thing in life is to be happy. But the question is that how to make your life a happy one. Well, the answer is simple.

If you want to be happy, then you need to stop doing things which you don’t like. If you want to be happy then you must avoid all the bad habits.

Addiction is a bad habit which affects the entire life of a person. It is a mental disorder which is very hard to cure. It is also called as the ultimate test of love.

The reason why a person who is addicted to a drug or alcohol cannot love his/her partner is because the addiction is the root of all the problems in the life of a person.

It is the reason why people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol cannot be loyal to their partners. They are not capable of loving someone and giving their partner happiness.

The addiction makes a person selfish. He/she is not capable of thinking about the needs and desires of others.

If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, then you must take a step forward and stop it. If you are an addict then you need to quit your addiction.

You cannot live a happy and peaceful life if you are an addict. You cannot love anyone if you are addicted to drugs or alcohol.

The addiction has no cure, so you need to stop it by yourself. Don’t expect anyone to help you in this situation. You must do it yourself.


The addiction is the most destructive thing in the life of a person. If you are an addict, then don’t wait for anyone to help you. You need to take the first step and get rid of the addiction.