It is very difficult to forget someone when you have a good relationship with him/her. But sometimes we may feel that he/she is becoming a memory because of some reason.
I am not saying that if someone you love dies, you will forget about them. But I would say it is very difficult to remember everything that happened in our life. And most of the people may forget the most important moments and events.
But it is not necessary that you will forget about your loved ones, it is possible that you will remember everything.
Here are some tips that will help you to remember and keep your memories alive.
Remember the good things
Whenever we talk about a person who has died, we will be thinking about the bad things but if you want to remember that person, then you must think about the good things that you experienced with him.
For example, you can share your memories with your friends and family and they will help you to remember everything.
Write it down
If you want to remember something then you can write it down. Write down everything that you remember about your loved one and keep it somewhere.
Keep a photo album
If you want to remember everything then you can take a photo of your loved one. It will remind you of the memories that you had with him/her.
I know it is very difficult to remember everything that happened in our life. So, these are the tips that will help you to remember and keep the memories alive.