Love is an amazing feeling when you see you’re beloved in front of you. You feel happy and the butterflies in your stomach can’t stop moving. But if you are not lucky enough to have a perfect relationship, then you should not be disappointed, as love should last forever.

Here are 7 reasons what makes love last:

1. You can share your feelings with each other

When you are in love with someone, you feel comfortable enough to share your feelings with that person. You don’t have to hide your feelings from anyone. You will be able to talk to each other about everything.

2. You will never be bored of each other

Being in love is an amazing experience, you will never be bored of the same person. You will never want to change your partner.

3. You will feel safe

No matter what situation happens, you will feel safe with your lover. He/she will be there for you whenever you need.

4. You will feel secure

You will never be afraid of losing your partner. You will feel secure knowing that your partner will never cheat on you.

5. You will never have to worry about being lonely

Being in love means that you will never have to worry about being alone. You will always have someone to be with.

6. You will not feel insecure

You will not have to worry about your looks because you will be with someone who will always love you.

7. You will feel beautiful

You will feel beautiful when you are with your loved one. You will not care about the way you look when you are with him/her.


In conclusion, love is a feeling that you will never get tired of. You will never feel bored of the same person. You will never feel insecure and you will always feel beautiful.