Love is a feeling and it is different for everyone. It is very difficult to define love, but still we can understand it.

There are so many love stories, but most of them are based on the feelings of the people. Some of the people say that love is a feeling and others say that it is a bond that is created between two souls.

It is a great feeling when you see someone whom you think is the one for you. But if you are not sure about it then you can check out if this person is really the one for you.

But what is love?

Love is a feeling of pleasure, trust, respect and understanding. Love is a feeling that makes us feel that everything is okay and nothing can disturb our life.

If you are in love with someone then you will feel that the whole world is yours.


Love is a feeling that can make our life better and stronger. In the whole world there are so many people who are in love, but there is no one who can be called perfect in this world. But if you have found your one, then your life will become perfect.