Are there certain friends who have always made you think that perhaps that friendship is not a good idea? Have you ever wondered what they are hiding and if maybe you should really break off that relationship? Do you want to know what has led that person to have such a lousy friendship? If you need these heartburn relationships to stop, here are all the signs of someone doesn’t want to be your friend anymore. They may not outright state anything, but even some of their actions seem designed to subtly tell you they don’t want to be your friend anymore.

Some people will purposely not be interested in keeping friendships: Why is this so? Because deep down inside everyone wants to feel loved and cherished, and then when you try to bring some attention to that person’s lack of interest, they just have a hard time dealing with it. They don’t like the feeling of being used or of not being appreciated.

Does this mean that they aren’t interested in a romantic relationship? No, not necessarily. What it means is that when you go out with them, they may very well start to turn away from you. It may seem like they don’t want to see you anymore, or they could be seeing someone else for some other reason.

Do you always feel guilty for trying to make a connection with a person? Do you often second guess yourself in this area? If so, this is one of the signs someone does not want to be your friend anymore. These people always feel guilty for pursuing their own goals, and they never end up being happy with the results. They want to feel happy and fulfilled, but they aren’t sure how to get there.

Is there ever a time: when you are with this person and you cannot help but think about them wishing you a happy birthday, or loving you more than you can ever imagine? This is yet another one of the signs someone doesn’t want to be your friend anymore. Some people just never learn to say the right things, and they have trouble expressing their emotions. Others just don’t know when they are supposed to shut up! You will just never be able to relate to someone like this.

If you find yourself doing any of these negative things: when you are around this person, it is time to stop and ask yourself what you are doing wrong. Perhaps you just need a little time away from the person to figure out what is bothering them so much. Perhaps there is a new guy or girl in your life who sparks an interest in them that you have never had before. No matter what, if someone is doing or saying these signs, and you don’t want them in your life anymore, it is time to make a change. Find someone who will accept them for who and what they are.