Want to learn how to tell him I love him? Well, you do not have to be a little concerned about it any longer. Men are easy! All you have to do is follow these simple rules. They really work and will guarantee that your man is as ready and willing as you are to commit. Here they are.

Do not wait for him to reach a certain stage in his relationship with you: You know the saying about waiting for the other person to do something? It is no longer true. If he is ready now, you are sure that he is going to be ready soon.

If you want to know how to tell him I love him: then do not make sexual advances towards him. The fact that you are not making sexual advances is not going to spoil your chances of getting him into bed with you. This is because he does not want to sleep with you. The reason behind this is that he does not want to feel pressured into doing anything, or feel like you are using him as a mere sexual object. He is very much capable of putting up a strong resistance to that.

The next important thing: when you want to know how to tell him I love him is to remember that you have to play hard to get. No guy likes to chase a woman. If you want to be able to win him over, you have to be willing to chase him and not expect him to do the same. This is because no man wants a girl who is always on the move and waiting for him to chase after her.

You may have seen many movies: where the hero is very impulsive and emotional and often tries to get the girl to go with them. But if you try to get the girl to go with him, he feels like a mouse in front of the elephant, which means that he is no match. Hence, you have to play safe in the ways you want to know how to tell him I love him. Do not use phrases like “I love you” too early in the relationship.

If you are a man, you should be able to answer the question: how to tell him I love him when he asks for your hand in marriage. There is no reason why you cannot answer it if you are truly ready to. But you have to start off by showing him respect and consideration for his feelings. You should make him feel comfortable before he asks for your hand in marriage.

It is important that he does not feel the squeeze of your hand as he would not be able to appreciate it if he has no idea on how to approach you.