When you start feeling that you are “getting attracted to that guy” but you don’t know why, here’s a quick explanation of the “triggers” of attraction – in short what you should be feeling when you start feeling these “sparkles”. It is important to realize that there are varying degrees and intensities of “flames” or “fire” that these triggers can give off. You may not feel everything that others do when they first experience the attraction towards someone, and you may find yourself being caught off guard by the intensity of these “twinges” of attraction.
When you start feeling a strong attraction towards someone do they feel it too? If the person you are attracted to looks like they have that “perk” that you are looking for, does it show when you look at them? Does their hair look like their own? Does it make you think they look smart and attractive?
When you start to feel a strong attraction towards someone does they feel it too? Is the person you are attracted to outgoing and fun? Is he/she outgoing and fun and “confident”? If so, this would mean that the person has great feelings for you! Remember, the attraction can be reciprocal, if you are attracted to a confident person, it means you will also have great confidence in your own abilities and it will show when you are around them. If the person you are attracted to lack that confidence themselves, this could mean that the person you are attracted to, doesn’t have great feelings for you either.
Do you find yourself getting defensive about the other person when you are around them? When someone gets defensive, it could be because they are scared of the spark that might start up between them and you. You shouldn’t worry about it though because everyone gets defensive when they are nervous or excited about something, and everyone has those moments when they find themselves attracted to someone. That is when you need to relax and take a deep breath before starting the next level of attraction.
So, when you feel attracted to someone do they always give you close attention? Do they thank you for coming and saying hello? Do they ask how things are going and act as if they don’t know what your doing? When you meet someone for the first time or see them everyday do you always find yourself asking questions about them and putting a lot of close attention on them? This is a sign that you are already romantically interested in them and it is time to move onto the next step of attraction.
When you want to know how someone feels about you and if they are attracted to you: all you have to do is look into their eyes. Everyone holds eye contact when they are attracted to another person, so you should do it also when you meet a special someone and start getting close with them. Ask them about their day and their work and show an interest in what they are doing. Be interested in what they are doing and show them that you care about their lives and interests.
When you make eye contact and look into their eyes while doing these things you are starting the next stage of attraction and that is attraction. This is when you know that the special someone you are dating is slightly interested in you.