What to do when you decide to stay away from a person. If you feel like you just can’t love or care for that person anymore, then it’s time to let go and let them go. You no longer need them and you no longer have a reason to be around them. You might not want to hear this, but it’s the truth: sometimes people change and make mistakes, but if you don’t let them change, then they will continue to change and you’ll have problems with them down the road.

The number one sign you should stay away: from a toxic person is having a lot of time together with them. Toxic people have nothing to add value to your life, and they just need to be around you so that they can feel good about themselves. If a toxic person spends a lot of time with you, it’s a clear sign that they have a lot to gain by always being around you and always making you feel great. When they aren’t around, however, it’s a clear sign that they are draining your energy and destroying your healthy relationship.

The next two signs you should stay away from someone: if you suspect they are a toxic person are being critical of you and others in your life. If a toxic person is critical of you or others, it’s a clear sign that they are self-centered and don’t value themselves enough to give compliments. Criticizing others will also prevent you from adding value to someone else’s life. Instead of adding value, you will be removing it, which is never an option.

Another of the signs you should stay away from someone: if you suspect they are toxic is if they continually sues you or others in your life. Suing is a clear sign of someone who wants their share and doesn’t think they or anyone else matters much. Suing also destroys relationships and is a clear sign of someone who does not want to take responsibility for their actions. If you find yourself constantly getting sued, it’s likely that you have a toxic friend or client in your life and you need to get them out of the way as quickly as possible.

If your friend or client does spend time suing others: or if they continually criticize you and others in your life, this is one of the most common signs that you should stay away from them because it’s a clear sign of low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is the number one reason why people choose to put other people down and destroy their self-esteem. If they are constantly criticizing you or others in your life, it’s likely that they don’t think they or anyone else matters at all. People with low self-esteem don’t know when to shut their mouth and let the truth about themselves out, so they criticize everyone including themselves, to their friends, family and co-workers. If someone who is this way is spending time suing others to cover up their own inadequacies and failures, you should be very afraid for your safety and the safety of your family.

If you want to find someone who is trying to sue you to cover up something: the best advice we can offer you is to watch out for these 15 signs you should stay away from someone if they want to sue you. We don’t want you to go through life feeling scared and paranoid and worried that you’re going to be taken advantage of, so we have put together this list of warning signs. If someone is suing you to get their hands on your money, then you need to find out if it’s real or not before you get taken to court.

Finding out the truth about who they are is important so you can make better decisions for yourself.